Randy Dana
I photograph found objects and vintage artifacts arranged with flowers, fruit and other materials from the garden. It is my goal as artist and photographer to encourage a closer examination of ordinary things by presenting them in unusual context. My unique compositions, the soft natural lighting, the rich colors and textures combine to give a gently surreal, painterly quality to the work.
My creative tool is the 4x5 view camera. This is the large format camera with the bellows. This bellows allows adjustments which give the photographer the ability to manipulate perspective and shift the field of focus. The glass table top is made to fall away and apparently disappears leaving only reflections as evidence. In the successful image the viewer is treated to a unique visual experience, a new look at things, unaware that any “distortion†or “shift†has taken place.
I shoot with 4â€x5†color negative film, Fuji Pro S 160 which I expose at 100ASA. My light source is naturally diffused sunlight. I do all my own darkroom work both traditional and digital. Traditional techniques: Burning & dodging, color correction and density control are used to maximize the potential of each image and each individual print. For my most recent portfolio I have scanned the negative. I then use Photoshop to enable a digital version of the results achieved in the traditional darkroom. Photoshop has not been used to significantly alter the compositions.
I have printed these Archival Inkjet Prints using Epson Ultrachrome K3 inks on fine art papers. Fuji Crystal Archive photographic paper is used for traditional prints. All prints are archival and expected to be color fast for 60-100 years under normal viewing conditions. I do all my own matting, mounting and framing using archival materials. All images are presented as signed and numbered limited edtions