Artist Profile -Heather and John Fields – Glass

Heather and John Fields

John Fields became fascinated with glass in the early 1970’s while studying business at the University of Arkansas. Heather Fields first took a glass blowing class in 1987 while attending Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts. The two met in Portland and started online casino working together in 1995, and gradually their individual visions began to show the influence of one another’s work. A harmonious style emerged that reflects John’s love of classical form and Heather’s painterly approach to design.

Artist Profile – Catherine Alexander – Drawing

Catherine Alexander – Drawing

Catherine started drawing natural subjects in early childhood, and studied fine art in college. Her work expands upon time-honored natural history illustration techniques by incorporating four different mediums to produce a wider variety of colors and textures. She often incorporates collage and antiquing techniques to create the look of an ancient drawing. Catherine believes few places on earth combine nature and culture as gracefully as Portland does, and says she is grateful to be a native Oregonian.

Artist Profile – Careen Stoll – Ceramics

Careen Stoll
Careen has focused on studio pottery since 2000, when she moved to an old farmhouse in Minnesota with no well or insulation. Her work is quite minimal and brings to mind both Northern European Modernism and beach stones. The kiln she built after moving to Portland four years ago is a unique part of her process – Careen designed it to fire with wood but mostly waste vegetable oil. This is an outgrowth of economics as well as strong environmental ethics, as the fuel is both free and carbon neutral.