Introducing: Our New Website!

p>We are thrilled to announce our newly designed website. This website will enable us to have a much more easily updated web presence. Although it is being launched today, over the next months we will be added more features to make the site more useful for our visitors, artists, musicians and vendors. Let us know if you like the new site, or if you see a problem…let us know that too!

Short Films Wanted

Announcing a new kind of Collaboration Exhibit for this year's Art In The Pearl Fine Arts & Crafts Festival:

Last year at Art in The Pearl's Collaborative, we launched The Earth Narrative Series with Project H2O
” exploring our relationship with water through art and conversation”
This year we are continuing the Series with “Creating Common Ground” sharing Your Connection To the Planet.
An interactive, multimedia art stallation.
that will culminate at the Art in the Pearl festival
This art installation hopes to engage the public in collaborative storytelling through a creative, multimedia platform, while expanding the ‘language’ we use to frame ecological issues.


1.  Create: Make a video or photo montage that is one minute or less in length expressing your connection to the planet.

2. Connect: Register by clicking here to upload your video.

3. Collaborate: Encourage your friends to do the same, or even better, work together. The more voices the better.

4. Come to Art in the Pearl on Labor Day Weekend and watch your videos create common ground by telling a story of connection to our planet.

The Earth Narrative will be exhibiting your videos during Art in the Pearl   
The exhibit will be open to all ages so make sure that your content is appropriate for all ages.